Our Target

At Sharpening Ministries, we are focusing on two groups of people.

We are looking for Christ followers who have the heart, vision and know-how who will intentionally seek out the lost, wandering, and disenfranchised person.

You can read more about it in our outlined strategy, but we believe the best way to reach someone far from Christ is to teach faithful followers of Christ how to reach them.

We believe these faithful followers of Christ are the ones who have the heart to follow God, the vision to reach the world, and the know-how (or the desire to have the know-how) to be a skilled master builder. Read more about this here.

And we believe in being a space that men and women who are lost, wandering, and disenfranchised people can come back to God or come to God for the very first time.

It’s okay to have questions and it’s okay to push back on some of the ways the church and God are portrayed in the world. If you feel out of place in the church because of your questions and concerns, we want to talk.