Our Vision

We exist to see men and women walk with God for a lifetime.

From day one, Sharpening Ministries has been committed to this end: we want to see men and women walk with God for a lifetime.

We want to see men and women locking shields to advance God’s Kingdom. People who won’t quit on one another when life gets hard. People who will pull us up and call us to be better men and women.

We want to see men and women living in obedience to God and reflecting His love to others. People who love their spouses, their families, and their co-workers. People who will go the extra mile to care for the hurting.

We want to see men and women rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, living courageously, and investing eternally. People who make a difference in the world through their leadership. People who aren’t scared to be who God has created them to be.

We want to see men and women move from “activity” to “productivity.” People who don’t exist solely for the weekend. People who know what it means to invest their lives into others for the sake of Kingdom advancement.

Let’s be honest, this type of life is the type of life you need. Most people are disconnected and suffering for it. We all have marriage issues, sin issues, and family issues… but do all of us have someone to share our issues with?

Do YOU have someone to lock arms with?

We’re committed to helping you. Come join a group of men or women who are committed to walking with God and allowing that to change their entire life.